Saturday, March 28, 2015

Assignment 6



“Present organizations may perish, but the cause will

go on. That cause has a life, distinct and independent of the organizations

patched up from time to time to carry it forward. Looked at apart from the

bones and sinews, and body, it is a thing immortal. It is the very essence of

justice, liberty and love. The moral life of human society—it cannot die, while

conscience, honor and humanity remain. If but one be filled with it, the cause

lives.…If there be but one such man in the land, no matter what becomes of

abolition societies and parties, there will be an anti-slavery cause, and an antislavery movement.…”


                In this quote Frederick Douglass explains to his listener that groups in society who fight for freedom of slaves may disappear overtime due to many factors, but the cause is immortal. People from generations to generations will continue to fight for equal treatment. He furthers elaborates that a society to thrive it must obey the natural laws and slavery was coldblooded.  I believe he wanted his audiences to understand that freedom was not a perk, but essential for a fellow human being.


                I chose this quote because Frederick Douglass poetically made his case for freedom without expressing any aggression. I believe many people during their life time will reach a point that their goals will be more difficult to achieve. What should he or she do? They should not succumb to their fear and low morale. But to continue strive for success and foresee the benefits of the future.  The fight for human rights will never die and to pass on and educate the next generation to continue the fight will keep the fire ignited.


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